Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hurtful Hertz Adds Insult to Injury


Sky Thoth <sky@mystography.com> Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:02 AM
Reply-To: sky@mystography.com
To: Hertz Customer Relations <CustomerRelations@hertz.com>
Dear Hertz,

The high insurance rate you charged me was not agreed to in the simple quotes you gave me when I made the rental.  I sent you scanned copies of both the first receipt that your providers gave me when I picked up the vehicle and the second receipt with the much higher charge when I dropped off the vehicle.  You have asserted that "somehow" (in a manner which you refuse to define) "something" (perhaps in the fine print of our contracts) allowed you to increase my insurance rate massively from the original quote you gave me. 

Send me a copy of the contract and tell me what page and paragraph gave you this legal justification.  You have not explained where in the contact that justification is found, nor have you explained why the original receipt I was given when I picked up the vehicle had a much lower quote. 

Furthermore, even if you did create some opaque legal justification, you did not allow me to make an informed decision about the insurance you gave me by printing out a much lower quote in the original receipt that I sent you.  This is deceit, and this is a kind of fraud, which you may or may not have legally protected yourself from, but which you most certainly did not morally protect yourself from. 

You are in the wrong.  You are on the moral low ground.  And as long as you choose to stay on the moral low ground, I will dedicate myself for life to publicly organizing as much of a boycott of your business as I possibly can on my blog.  I may even consider suing you in court to get more information for my blog if it is helping many readers to learn more about your unfair practices.  It is the moral argument that matters here even more than the legal one.  Both arguments are important, and you have won neither argument left.  All you have done with me is to CLAIM you have legal standing for your charges without presenting me evidence.  I presented you evidence that you don't.  You insult me by not reciprocating with counter evidence. 

In this you have to convince me that you have NO moral high ground to stand on and that you are shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.  If you fight the wrong battles, you ultimately loose the war.  My blog will continually protest against you online until you reach an understanding of fairness with me.  Will you even step up and explain where in my contract, even in the fine print, you have been able to charge me hundreds of dollars more than you quoted to me in writing on my receipt when I picked up the vehicle I rented from you?  I don't think you value the business of repeat customers.  You have ABSOLUTELY NOT shown me as you insulting add with words but not actions at the end of your last email that you "value [my] business and hope that [you] will be able to serve [me] in the future."  Are you kidding me?  Have you even read any of my blog?  I am actively redirecting everyone in my life away from your business over this grievance you have created with me.  If you want my business, earn it.  Step up to the legal and moral arguments and AT LEAST present real evidence.  You have only added insult to injury so far.  I wasn't planning to sue you, but today you have started to motivate me to pursue this even that far.



On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Hertz Customer Relations <CustomerRelations@hertz.com> wrote:
Dear Sky Coon:

We regret our first correspondence did not meet with your approval.  We
appreciate the opportunity to review this matter again.

Our records show as explained in our previous correspondence, the LDW was
signed for and agreed to.  No adjustment will be provided.  For further
dispute, please contact your credit card company.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review this matter again.  We
value your business and hope that we will be able to serve you in the


Janet N.
Customer Correspondence Administrator
OKC Customer Services
The Hertz Corporation
P.O. Box 26120
14501 Hertz Quail Springs Parkway
Oklahoma City, OK  73134

Telephone:  888-777-6095, Ext. 4812
FAX:  405-290-2899

For all correspondence sent USPS, please use the address below.

The Hertz Corporation
Attn:  Customer Relations Department
P.O. Box 26120
Oklahoma City, OK  73126

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